Date: July 16, 2013
Henry Holt and Co.
touching, and funny—a debut novel by a brilliant young woman about the
coming-of-age of a brilliant young literary man
“He was not the kind of guy who disappeared after sleeping with a woman—and certainly not after the condom broke. On the contrary: Nathaniel Piven was a product of a postfeminist 1980s childhood and politically correct, 1990s college education. He had learned all about male privilege. Moreover, he was in possession of a functional and frankly rather clamorous conscience.” – From The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P.
Nate Piven is a rising star in Brooklyn’s literary scene. After several lean and striving years, he has his pick of both magazine assignments and women: Juliet, the hotshot business reporter; Elisa, his gorgeous ex-girlfriend, now friend; and Hannah, “almost universally regarded as nice and smart, or smart and nice,” who is lively fun and holds her own in conversation with his friends.
In this 21st-century literary world, wit and conversation are not at all dead. Is romance? Novelist Adelle Waldman plunges into the psyche of a modern man—who thinks of himself as beyond superficial judgment, yet constantly struggles with his own status anxiety, who is drawn to women, yet has a habit of letting them down. With tough-minded intelligence and wry good humor The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. is an absorbing tale of one young man’s search for happiness—and an inside look at how he really thinks about women, sex and love.
“He was not the kind of guy who disappeared after sleeping with a woman—and certainly not after the condom broke. On the contrary: Nathaniel Piven was a product of a postfeminist 1980s childhood and politically correct, 1990s college education. He had learned all about male privilege. Moreover, he was in possession of a functional and frankly rather clamorous conscience.” – From The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P.
Nate Piven is a rising star in Brooklyn’s literary scene. After several lean and striving years, he has his pick of both magazine assignments and women: Juliet, the hotshot business reporter; Elisa, his gorgeous ex-girlfriend, now friend; and Hannah, “almost universally regarded as nice and smart, or smart and nice,” who is lively fun and holds her own in conversation with his friends.
In this 21st-century literary world, wit and conversation are not at all dead. Is romance? Novelist Adelle Waldman plunges into the psyche of a modern man—who thinks of himself as beyond superficial judgment, yet constantly struggles with his own status anxiety, who is drawn to women, yet has a habit of letting them down. With tough-minded intelligence and wry good humor The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. is an absorbing tale of one young man’s search for happiness—and an inside look at how he really thinks about women, sex and love.

the contrary: Nathaniel Piven was a product of a postfeminist, 1980s childhood
and politically correct, 1990s college education. He had learned all about male
privilege. Moreover he was in possession of a functional and frankly rather
clamorous conscience.
time, Nate began to grow frustrated by her lack of literary sensibility, the
sheer practicality of her intelligence, as well as a certain rectitude or
squareness on her part – in other words, by her essential Kristen-ness, which
he had once revered.
the salient issue was not why but
simply that he didn’t want to be in a
relationship. His work fulfilled him, and his friends provided all the
conversation and companionship he needed.

language and detail that Adelle Waldman incorporates in this book is from the
mouth of a highly educated man – Nathaniel P. Nate’s voice is surprisingly
pretentious and witty, and I was so pleased with Adelle’s writing style. I was
in a few fiction writing classes in college and the hardest thing for me to tackle
was writing from the male perspective, being female myself. Waldman gives a
snarky, superficial voice to Nate at times, while at others she makes him seem
like the passionate literary whom only wants to be heard and listened to. His
personality was arrogant and cocky, but I found it so promising that Waldman could
give so much character to a man she envisioned in her head. I swear I have met
Nathaniel P. before, maybe even multiple times!
Waldman has my vote! Nathaniel P., not so much, but I think that was the point.
He is a little too self-absorbed for my tastes, and I liked his friendship with
Aurit and hearing about his various girlfriends more than I liked listening to
him justify his reasons for breaking up with them. Aurit was a character that I
did enjoy very much. She put her two cents in, as we say in the South, quite frequently
and it was often concerning Nate’s love life, or his lack thereof. Aurit was a
little bossy and demanding, but what good girlfriend isn’t? She was the only
one that it seemed was able to talk some sense into Nate every so often.
Really, you should get lost in Nathaniel’s world, then you might realize how the male mind really works!
copy of this book was provided to me by the publishers at Henry Holt & Co.
in exchange for my honest review***

I really want to read this one and I don't usually read adult books. Im glad you enjoyed it !