Sunday, April 19, 2015

Book Review: The Wondrous And The Wicked

The Wondrous and the Wicked (The Dispossessed, #3)Author: Page Morgan
Publication Date: April 14, 2015
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Series: The Dispossessed # 3

For fans of Lauren Kate's Fallen series comes the exciting conclusion to the trilogy that includes The Beautiful and the Cursed and The Lovely and the Lost. The Waverly sisters must save themselves before all is lost.

Since the Waverlys arrived in Paris, the streets have grown more fearsome by the day. As Ingrid learns to master her lectrux gift, she must watch Axia's power grow strong enough to extend beyond her Underneath hive. By all indications, the fallen angel's Harvest is near-and the timing couldn't be worse.

Targeted by vengeful gargoyles, Gabby has been exiled to London for her own protection. Meanwhile, the gargoyle castes are in disarray, divided between those who want Luc to lead them and those who resent him and his fondness for humans. The Alliance is crumbling from the inside as well, its members turning against one another, and possibly against the Waverlys, too.

Axia has promised that the world will burn. And now, unable to trust the Alliance, separated from Luc, Gabby, and her twin, Grayson, Ingrid is left to face the demon uprising alone.

“And as your gargoyle, I am forced, once again, to keep you from getting yourself killed.” He crouched down until his eyes met hers.

All she knew was that she was alone in a room with a dead body. Strangely, she didn’t feel any lonelier than usual.

“Terrified is exactly how I prefer my humans,” he countered.

This series wrapped me around its tiny little finger with two brilliant words: Paris and gargoyles. I have enjoyed following the series and always highly anticipate each new book every spring. This third book was the perfect finale and absolutely one of the best that I have read in 2014 and 2015. Page Morgan has reached my favorite authors list and I highly recommend watching out for anything new she comes out with. Her books are full of exciting twists and turns, and let’s just be honest, not many authors can pull off multiple point of views as well as she can. This is the first ever gargoyle book I have read and I honestly don’t understand why I haven’t searched out more of them because it was fabulous. I can’t give away much about the book, because this is the third installment, but I can say that each book leaves you waiting for more.

There is so much going on in this final book. I felt that the action, drama, and impending war only added to the intensity and suspense that left readers hanging at the end of book two. Luc, Ingrid, Gabby, and Grayson are just a few of our main characters. I can honestly not say which of these characters I like more; every character is developed to the fullest extent. Each character has traits that you will be able to appreciate and some that will annoy you incessantly. I will say, as I wrap up this review, that this series would be a great one to start for anyone following my blog. Page Morgan wraps everything up nicely by the end and I felt like all questions were answered. This is definitely a series that you will want to have in front of you because once you finish one book, you will be ready to move on to the next!

***A free copy of this book was provided to me by the publishers at Delacorte Press in exchange for my honest review***

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